Ahmed Hasan

Full Stack Developer



I'm an undergrad student of Computer Science from FAST-NU, Lahore. I have experience in full stack web development. I was among top 20 in ICPC Asia Topi Regional Programming Competition in 2019 and I've done six-week long summer internship in 2018. I'm also Head of SOFTEC'20 Programming Competition of the FAST-NU Lahore.


An enthusiast developer seeking to learn, grow, and utilize skills to the fullest in an organization. Working on ReactJs/Redux based web applications & Django-REST APIs development.


Bachelor of Science (Computer Science)

FAST-National University, Lahore

August 2016 - May 2020


Punjab College, Lahore

2014 - 2016


KIPSchool, Lahore

2013 - 2014


Neural Network and Deep Learning


January 2020

Introduction to Data Science in Python

University of Michigan

On Going


Intelligent Elderly HealthCare Management System

BSCS Final Year Project at FAST-National University, Lahore

The project aims to help elder adults via monitoring and intelligent emergency detection. Following are projects core features.


Software Engineering Project at FAST-National University, Lahore

Project delivered to software house FRIZHUB as part of Software Engineering course. The project handles attendance data of employees. These were its core features

  • MEAN stack web application with Mongo Atlas Cloud services
  • Secured API via jwt token and password encryption
  • Attendance device (ZKTeco) data extraction and filtering
  • Graphical visualization on attendance data

Search Engine with Inverted Index

Information Retrival Project at FAST-National University, Lahore

The Project scrappes the data from all files in a folder and makes an inverted index after tokenization and stemming. Following were its core features:

  • Inerted Index with location and document index
  • Data scrapping using beautiful soup
  • Stop Wording of prepositions and common words
  • Word Stemming using nltk Porter Stemmer

Cat vs Dog Image Detection

Computer Vision Project at FAST-National University, Lahore

Project classifies between cat and dog by Convolutional Neural Network using Tensorflow, Keras, Numpy on Jupyter Notebook.

  • Jupyter Notebook, Python
  • Convolutional Neural Networks

Data Warehousing ETL Project

Data Warehousing & Data Mining Project at FAST-National University, Lahore

Project perform ETL form 3 SQL servers into one schema for business intelligence using SQL Server Data Tools(SSDT)

  • Business Intelligence using SQL Server Data Tools(SSDT)
  • Data Extraction, Transformations form three SQL Databases and then Loading it into one schema

Inventory Management System

Database Project at FAST-National University, Lahore

Project has SQL Server Database integrated with asp.net c# web application

  • MS SQL Server Database Project
  • asp.net C# web application

Personal Projects

  • Home Automation - Planning phase
  • 8-bit ALU - Working On


C# .net Desktop Application Developer Intern

Al Baraka Islamic Bank, (DR Office)

From July 2018 to August 2018     Gulberg, Lahore, Pakistan

  • Developed and learned C# .net Desktop Application
  • User Registration form application development
  • Created a MS SQL Database Server
  • Connected Application to MS SQL Server Database
  • Developed and learned Crystal Reports


GitHub 30,000+ lines contribution

Co-founder of a startup (on development phase) and contributed 30,000+ lines on GitHub on a single startup working on MERN stack technology.

HackerRank 5-Star Badge on Problem Solving Skills

Won 5-Star Badge on HackerRank problem solving skills section that has mind challenging questions.

Top 20 ICPC Asia TOPI Regional On-Site Programming Competition, GIKI

A programming competition was held at GIKI, Topi in 2019 which was arranged ICPC region officials. About 100+ teams participated. Each team had a group of 3. Our Team "TEAM SYNC" got 19th position

Participant in Multiple Programs

I've attended Pycon in 2018 which was organized by Arbisoft. I've attending multiple programming competitions including CodingGuru 2018, ACM Intra-FAST Programming Competition 2018.

HEAD Programming Competition for SOFTEC '20

SOFTEC (SOFTware Exhibition and Competition) is one of the biggest IT events in Pakistan. It is organized every year at FAST-NU, Lahore. I currently work as HEAD of Programming Competition and my responsibility is to manage programming competition event of SOFTEC'20 .
Earlier: Deputy Head Programming Competition in SOFTEC '19, Exceptional Volunteer in SOFTEC '18

<Skills & Technologies/>

Skills & Technologies

Python Javascript TypeScript ES6 ReactJS Redux React Native Django Django-REST NodeJS MongoDB SQL Git GitHub Pandas Numpy Matplotlib Power BI OpenCV ExpressJS Firebase HTML5/CSS3 Matlab Tensorflow ETL


  • Neural Networks
  • Computer Vision
  • Data Analytics
  • Data Science
  • IoT
  • Machine Learning
  • Artificial Intelligence




Let me know if you have any queries or if you'd like to discuss something